AlwaysWoW! For a Great Great WoW in Life

Thoughts from me about things that are cool, that are WoW, that blow me away. Observations about businesses and people from a wide variety of life. Daily encounters - and thoughts outside the box, inside the box and without any box. New thinking, and challenging old thinking. Passionate about life, about respect, and about integrity.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Famous and going to be rich

I am so incredibly famous. My reputation has spread, whatever reputation I had. But something must have happened that increased my credibility incredibly. Something, if only I would know about it. Damn, I could develop it further, and spread the good news. No, than others would get the same benefits. I will better keep the magic to me and reap the fruits of my reputation.

I did it – I will be rich, rich, rich – incredibly rich, and will never ever have to work again.
What happened? It is really unbelievable, but over the past couple of weeks, some oh so nice gentlemen have approached me – from all around the world - they send me mails promising to share their money with me if I can help them a little bit.

Just today alone, I received a mail from a Mr. Lars Jerry – and he is working in Dubai. Yeah, he is right, I am surprised that he comes to me, since I have never heard of him, but he has of me, apparently.

The poor guy is sick - diagnosed with prostate and oesophageal Cancer, well, at least with prostate cancer he has a high chance of survival, so he writes, it was only discovered in the late stages. He talks about US$7.5 million that he has abroad, the last of his money – the rest is already given to charities. If all goes according to his will, I will receive US$1.5 million, when I donate the rest to other charities, but first, we have to get the money out of Dubai – he must have ran out of ideas what charities there are in Dubai - and looks for assistance outside the country.

Than there is Dr. Mabo Dagash – he lives in Zimbabwe, and we all know that life is hard down there. Again, he mentions, that he hasn’t met me. His father has stashed an even larger amount of money in Holland – US$25 million and if I help him, I get 25% of the cash. It must be reputable, since he provides webpage links to CNN and BBC that document his problems - well, the problems in Zimbabwe.

A family in needs also sent me a mail today – and they offer me another business relationship. Good – I first thought they want some money from me – but with all my riches, I might have given them something as well. They offer me a share of only 10% of their US$16 million that they have somewhere in Europe - so stingy. They also come from Zimbabwe – must have been a very rich country, before all these riots took place. Two people running away from the country - I must help them, and it is nice to get some money from them for their help.

Now, I am going down to business – but first, I have to collect the money from the Royal Spanish Sweepstake Lottery. They sent me two mails today that I won in their lotteries so I am “double lucky”. I didn't know I participated, actually. May be my wife did it for me, under my name, and now they come to me.

And if I have the money, I am throwing a party for my boss – after I bought enough shares in his company.

But if I would only know why all this mail goes into my spam box, provided by Yahoo? All of those are serious business proposals, and if I wouldn't have taken care, I would have lost a lot of money - right?


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