AlwaysWoW! For a Great Great WoW in Life

Thoughts from me about things that are cool, that are WoW, that blow me away. Observations about businesses and people from a wide variety of life. Daily encounters - and thoughts outside the box, inside the box and without any box. New thinking, and challenging old thinking. Passionate about life, about respect, and about integrity.

Friday, June 11, 2004

The new Yakult

The new Yakult Posted by Hello

It is a great drink - I love it and so does my kid. It has a new straw that actually allows to be extended - so one is able to reach each and every corner of the container, what is great, since before, this was not possible. However, if it is such a great drink why is it so extremely difficult to open the plastic to reach the straw? Even adults have problems - I frequently use my teeth or the scissors. So - great product, but still a way to go to become consumer- and kids friendly.

Let me send a mail to them and see, what they have to say, okay?


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